23 February, 2012

I Am The Bardoli, And I Have The Manual Scavengers ! (6 Pictures)

Place : Near The Bus Stop, Bardoli, Gujarat
Date : 15/2/2012, Time : 5 : 30 PM (around)

09 February, 2012

Manual Scavenging Says, 'I Am Living In The Gujarat' (4 Pictures & Text)


                                          Name : Mansukh Bhangi
                                         Work Place : Public Toilet, Adesar, Tehsil : Rapar, District : Kutch 
                                          Date : 7-2-12, Time : 11 am (around)
                                          Native Village Of Mansukh Bhangi : Baaspa (12 km away from Adesar)

07 February, 2012

Dear Childhood, What is your address? (2 Pictuers)

                                Name : Kajal (12 Years Old)
                                Work : Begging
                                Name : Kajal (2 Years Old)
                                Work : Support to Kajal
                                Responsible : We The People of The India
                                Community : Devipoojak (A Nomad Community)
                                Place : Dhandhooka Four Lanes
                                Their father is Chhakda Driver
                                Address : Near Railway Track, Dhandhooka