23 February, 2012

I Am The Bardoli, And I Have The Manual Scavengers ! (6 Pictures)

Place : Near The Bus Stop, Bardoli, Gujarat
Date : 15/2/2012, Time : 5 : 30 PM (around)


  1. Mary Scully, Texas23 February, 2012

    the pictures are great and people will appreaciate them more if they know what is going on
    - Mary Scully, Texas

  2. આપણે નથી સુધરવાના.

  3. mansanu mans kyare badlashe khaber nathi.

  4. Mary Scully, McAllen, Texas24 February, 2012

    Many people don't know about the Dalit community in India, especially in the US, where we are kept intentionally stupid about other people in order to make it easier to use racism and dehumanization to justify foreign wars. This Wikipedia entry on Dalits puts a context to Umesh's photos and shows the importance of his documentation of discrimination against them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalit

  5. Rajesh Makwana, Mehsana24 February, 2012

    phota joya.. tame vastsv jagat lokone batavo cho ae kharekhr abhinandniy che...droing room ma betha betha gatar ni wat karvi sheli che...jyare tme to....

  6. Is that person washing utensils with sewage water?

  7. Kunal, no, he is not washing utensils, but cleaning the dirty gutter manually.
    - Umesh Solanki

  8. I think its every where. The old system in which no sewage line so it is done manually. It is in so many villages, only cities have sewage lines

  9. Paresh R. Vaidya26 February, 2012

    Dear Umeshbhai

    I saw these and the earlier one photo on " manual Scavenging". I also gave you a commnet on earlier photo. But now I want to understand something. ( In Yahoo I can not type in Gujarati - so English )

    What we called manual scavenging was about cleaning Latrines and carrying it on Head. ( In gujarati we used to all it 'Maathe Melu Upadavaani prathaa') That Was too bad and Gujarat ,I thought, eiminated in 1970s. So I was surprised when I saw your title in last Blogpost.
    But all these photos are for cleaning an underground gutter - In the previous Blog I thought it was a Septic Tank.
    Now cleaning of septic tank or underground Gutter ( Bhoy Khaal) is always done manually. Not only in Gujarat but throughout the country. Even a modern city like Mumbai, it is done manually. Only good thing now a days is that it is related to JOB and not by CASTE. Anyone who takes that job it in Bombay Municipality has to do it - not by birth caste.

    Second thing, this gutter has everything - not only night soil ( Human waste). Thus, it is dirty job but not attached with that stigma.

    Except advanced nations this job is always Manual. Whre are machine for this? I thought the word "Manual scavenging" is not associated with this work.

    PL throw some light if I am wrong. .

    Paresh vaidya

  10. Kirit Rathod01 March, 2012

    જય ભીમ,
    આપ નિર્ધાર ના માધ્યમ થી દલિત સમાજના સવાલોને વાચા આપવાનું કામ કરી રહ્યા છો. તેના માટે આપને અભિનંદન આપું છુ. માથેમેલાના કામમાં રોકાય કામદારોની સ્થિતિના ફોટો જોયા છે. જે સરકારમાં મોકલેલ છે. મારી પાસે ધાડા ગામના હિજરતી પરિવારોના ફોટો છે. જે આપ આ રીતે મુકો તો સારું.
    આપનો સાથી મિત્ર,
    કિરીટ રાઠોડ
    નવસર્જન ટ્રસ્ટ

  11. Jagdish Patel07 March, 2012

    I agree with Pareshbhai. I do believe that manual scavenging is still going on different way in Gujarat and elsewhere. e.g. In Ahmedabad I have seen small children defecate in Retiawadi (on pakka road, from where thousands of vehicles pass daily). Now it is the Municipal safai worker who will clean this area. He has to manually carry- not exactly Mathe melu. NAVSARJAN had few years back shown story of WADA JAJRU in Saurashtra where area was cleaned by safai worker manually. I do not if Wada Jajru are still in operation
    -Jagdish Patel
