30 April, 2015

Two Tyres

Vadali, District: Sabarkantha, Gujarat


  1. Jaysukh Vaghela, Chotila02 May, 2015

    Ek baju ramavaanee temj bhavaanee paristhiti tathaa biji bajunu tyre arthikshram suchave chhe. Aa bane bhaav vacheni munjavan adbhut rite jilay chhe.

  2. Anonymous02 May, 2015

    Experiencing sports and joy is the same, however, available pattern and method reflect the economy of two extremes; one who are escaped from tunnel feels inclusiveness (upper strata of society); and other extremes experiences non-inclusiveness (lower strata of society).

    Lot of questions of academia are not answered in 2015, whether it is a factor of religion, politics, political economy, education, or we could not reach to the last person.

    Corporates are mended to deliver to society out of profits they have earned from natural resources inherited by Adivasi. Difficult equation of rent-seeking process.

  3. Anonymous03 May, 2015

    Hamara sub kaal aise he tyre ke gol circle jaisaa hay.

    --- Moinuddin Maniar

  4. Prakash Raval, etv04 May, 2015

    Very nice.

  5. Suresh Chauhan, Solgam, Mandal, Ahmedabad06 May, 2015

    Very nice photograph
