25 September, 2011

An Adivasi Woman Between Toil & Toil / બે પરસેવાની વચ્ચે એક આદિવાસી મહિલા (1 Picture)

Place : Vadali, Dist : Sabarkantha, State : Gujarat, India
There are adverse atmosphere, no enough wages, no hygienic food, no health facility and homelessness forgetting all these, this adivasi young woman is taking little rest to work more.  And I think so with very comfort.


  1. Mr Moinuddin Maniar25 September, 2011

    Dear Umeshbhai.
    Sadar namaste.
    An Adivasi Woman............
    Govt. can make law but do our upper class can accept them?
    Sd/- Moinuddin Maniar
    (Wembley - UK)

  2. ya..it heppan only in india.....

  3. We city-dwellers, high caste people may romanticize their lives but such photos bring us down to earth. Where is she looking...in future? or just stares at blankness of a hopeless life? Good, Umeshbhai.

  4. many rules change in favor of ppls.. but educated ppl. don't understand that and than when they look at them.. they feel sorry... its like vise versa.. we should understan this and give them opportunity

  5. Dear Umeshbahi
    U & UR photogrpahy both are Excellent

  6. phota na bahu vakhan nahi kari shaku pan tenu heading tamara ma rahela kavi ni chadi khay 6e!!

  7. Rest for the best!!!

  8. Adivasi..we believe are backward..has its own unique and rich culture. They have their own art, own belief, own healing system, living system in perfect harmony with nature. They dont need roads, they dont need bunglows, they dont need so called well organized system..they have their perfect system. they make house which are 100% eco friendly. Their social systems are more practical..in case of any problem..their panchas give immediate justice.

    We need to look at their system with different angle.

    Satyen Gadhvi

  9. Rajnikumar Pandya26 September, 2011

    Dear Umeshbhai. The photo is really good but your name appearing in the midst of the picture is very disturbing the beauty. The name should be at rhe rightest corner of it.
    -Rajnikumar Pandya, Maninagar,Ahmedabad-380 028

  10. Dear Rajnikumar Pandya,

    You are right, but there is no other option. Before, someone had used my pictures with his credit.
    -umesh solanki

  11. Dear Umeshbhai,
    Thank you for sending the photo of an aadivasi woman. Her face is trapped in the iron circle as if unable to move.
    -Kamal Vora, Etad

  12. Rajniukumar Pandya28 September, 2011

    No that is not the right argument. This one also can be used by removing your name. it is technically possible-Noyhing should be done at the cost of aesthetics.
    - Rajniukumar Pandya

  13. Dr. Kanu Parmar30 September, 2011

    it is not always you have to loolafter at negative shadows only. try to make out positive things.
    -Dr. Kanu Parmar, Bhavnagar

  14. tejal pancholi06 October, 2011

    vahala umeshbhai
    tamara photograph joyo mane khub gamaya e karta sahhej e jane mane kashuk kahi gaya navi chetna no umero karta gaya khub aabhar
    - tejal pancholi, gujarat vidyapith, ahmadabad
