09 October, 2011

An Indigenous Cigar Is Smoking Old Woman / વૃદ્ધાને પીતી બીડી (8 Pictures)



  1. you are really genius photographer and also great thinker because all are watch but no one think at your level

    prakash chauhan
    Naisargik trust

  2. nice photographs. i always like to see such rustic life.

    the woman ( and i wouldn't call her 'old' , she is middle-aged and haven't yet lost her natural feminine charm) seems so confident and used to smoking. it is out of necessity and now has become a habit that relieves her of a lot of stress. not like the feminists fad - smoking out of fashion or revolt.

    but i think one photo would have been enough, at least you would have saved viewers from monotony! clicking from different angles doesn't necessarily capture various moods and expressions the subject might otherwise reflect. you could have waited instead of clicking mechanically.

    but kudos, for you bring the visuals of a Gujarat that the vibrantwalas want to sweep under the carpet!

  3. Mary Scully23 October, 2011

    I love the series of the woman smoking. What a marvelous character and what marvelous images.
    -Mary Scully, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, Minnesota
