23 April, 2012

The Homeless Kitchen (3 Pictures & Text)



Place : Vadgaam, District : Banaskantha, State : Gujarat, India (Native-land : Rajasthan)
Name : Vadomiben Gadalia Lavaria - A Blacksmith
             Vadomiben is with her husband and two female children, both children have still not seen the school, and with the other family of her elder's brother husband who has two children (female & male), here is the same situation.
Work : blacksmithing - to make and repair things made of iron by her husband & her
Where? : every week, there are three villages in the surrounding area (150 to 350 Rs per day earning)
An excerpt from the order of The Supreme Court Of India (27.1.2010)On 20.01.2010, an assurance was given to this Court on behalf of the learned Additional Solicitor General that immediate steps would be taken to provide night shelters to the homeless people by the Government in coordination with all the agencies, including the Non-Government Organizations. He also assured that not only the existing facilities would be improved but additional facilities would be created such as blankets, water and mobile toilets.


  1. yes, poor are no priority for the planners and policy makers. let them rot on the roadside without shelter, let them go on their search for livelihood and roam as gipsies for generations! these bloody governments - state and federal - have their own priorities for the rich and powerful so that they can get richer and more powerful. who cares for the wretched of this earth? these rascals are squandering citizens' hard earned money on melas and mahotsavs and mahasammelans ! and the poor are happy with their hope in god and goddesses making 'pagpaala yatras' to dakor and ambaji!

  2. This is Incredible India!!!Showing the other facet of our society where our poor brethren live in utter UN-human conditions.What a paradox?

  3. good work

  4. You really are doing good job. You are doing PARDAFASH of system.

  5. Moinuddin Maniar24 April, 2012

    Naned reality of India.

  6. Shyam Seeta, Ahmedabad24 April, 2012

    अत्यारे एक पेज पर गुजरात मां केटला बंदर, केटला एरपाॅर्टनी अधधघ करावे एवी माहिती हती अने एनी पर 'गर्व 'अनुभववा वाळी कमेन्ट्स हती. ए लोकोनी नजरमां आवा द्रश्यो न आवे तो एमना विशे शुं कहेवुं,'सावन के अंधे को हरा ही हरा सूझता है ।!'

  7. પ્રિય ઉમેશભાઈ

    તમારી આ કોલમ બદલ તમારો આભાર વ્યક્ત કરું છું


  8. Suryakant Shah28 April, 2012

    Dear Umeshbhai
    There is nothing new in homeless kitchen. One can find it even in rural areas. Your photographs do not reveal anything new nor do they have any art value. It is simply a reminder of dire poverty of certain sections of our society. You gave opportunity to enjoy the poverty of others while sitting before computer!
    - Suryakant Shah
