24 May, 2012

Kids With Their Food (5 Pictures)







  1. Anonymous25 May, 2012

    Garibi ane Bhukhmaro Ej Gariboni Saachi Odakh Bani Gayi Chhe...Victor Macwan.

  2. Moinuddin Maniar. Wembley - UK25 May, 2012

    dont look the GARIBI, This is the fact of life. but just see the innocent face and look thei inoocent smile. Can any money can buy this innocent face & smile.

  3. let somebody juxtapose these kids with those privileged, playing and studying in the campuses of elite private schools and then allow him to think of the inequalities of opportunities at the very outset and then ask him to ponder over the unfair competitions in life-chances and then finally ask him : in absence of any justice and fair play, do you still feel inadequate and ad-hock devices like 'scheme of reservation in education, employment and legislative representation' are unjustified?

    1. Anonymous25 May, 2012

      એક પછી એક ફોટોગ્રાફમાં ચિંતા પમાડે તેવા પ્રશ્નો ઝિલાયેલા છે.

    2. Anonymous27 May, 2012

      Poverty is not an exclusive phenomenon based on caste alone,, though some castes may have higher proprtion. So bringing a poser on reservation takes away the pathos of the reality into politics. A starving child evokes a strong sense of deprivation in our minds, no matter what caste or even colour that child has.
      Reservations in Legislative representation are there since 65 years. It amounts to two generations. Did it change anything for any child?

  4. Mary Scully25 May, 2012

    Such sweet pix, Umesh; these are my favorite so far. Thank you.
    Mary Scully, Texas

  5. Shyam Seeta25 May, 2012

    तस्वीरें बहुत अच्छी लगीं । चेहरों पर कहीं भी अभावों का दर्द नहीं है कि उन्हें मॅक डोनाल्ड का पित्ज़ा नहीं मिला । कभी कभी सोचता हूँ कि असली ग़रीबी क्या है ... असंतोष ? बच्चों की मासूमियत को अच्छी तरह पकड़ा है ,बधाई हो !

  6. Anand Patwardhan26 May, 2012

    thanks umesh.
    best pics,

  7. How long shall we glamorise the 'satisfaction-on-face'or 'innocent-smile-on the face' theories? The real thing is Roti which they need - and which we have failed to provide! If this is the real happiness, we should leave our children to streets. But we know this is not the case.
    Umesh ji has done a great job without using a single word.

  8. All pictures are feelingless. I think, good job, but you should show by emerging thier struggle in eyes, on faces and i actions.

  9. photo sara che bhavisyama a balkone emana photo phuchad j.

  10. Shyamasha Seeta23 June, 2012

    ग़रीबी अपने आप में एक अभिशाप है,इसे अन्य रीत से भुनाना और भी बड़ा पाप है । आजकल फेसबुक सोमालिया जैसे अफ्रीकी देशों के अस्थिपिंजर जैसे बच्चों की दर्दनाक तस्वीरें लाखों की संख्या में 'लाइक' क्लिक हो रही हैं और उसके ज़रिए लाखों रुपए बटोरते हैं, यह घिनौनी हरकत है । उमेश भाई की तस्वीरों में ऐसी कोई जज़्बाती खिलवाड़ नहीं है न ग़रीबी को मोहक बनाकर पेश करने का कोई प्रयास दिखता है । इसलिए अनायास ही ' तस्वीर ' के अन्य पहलुओं पर ध्यान चला गया -उनमें एक था - अभावों के बीच भी बची हुई इन बच्चों की मासूमियत !
    -Shyamasha Seeta
