15 October, 2012

Shudra (1 Picture & Texts)

One thing should be remembered here that this person is not a charactor of a street play or not that of any kind of play. He has opted to put on this the T-shirt on which written "Shudra" in Gujarati language. Here term "Shudra" could have no traditional meaning. it have different one.
I clicked this resting dignity from Thaangadh Dalit Mahasammelan against Thaangadh police firing. In this firing three Dalit youths died on September 22 and 23 at Thangadh in Surendranagar district.


  1. M. G. Maniar15 October, 2012

    It is not impossible to transform the whole Indian community. at the same time it is very very tough to change the Indian mentality.
    -- Moinuddin Maniar.

  2. Samaajne badalwa chalo kaik nakkar kariye, nahitar aa badhu chaltu raheshe ane aapne matra phota jota rahi jaeeshu. kevu sharamjanak!

  3. ....છતાં ચીત્ર ઘણું કહી જાય છે. તમારાં કલેક્શનો સચોટ હોય છે.

  4. A living embodiment of anguish, helplessness and righteous indignation. The eyes and the facial contours reveal the inner inferno. Congrat. Umesh for selection.

  5. first of all, we have to accept that within us also there is castism; vankar thinks themselves higher than Chamaar; Chamaar thinks themselves higher than Bhangi and Shenva... Till day, we will not eliminate this discrimination within us, I don't think, we will be able to do remove from real Aryan society. When we will remove all barriers within us then only we will have better society... Why, even being "Shudra" vankar don't marry Chamaar, Chamaar don't marry Bhangi and vice varsa. Have a think on it...

  6. Shailesh Pandya, Kalol15 October, 2012

    nice .......expression by photography...

  7. haju ketla shaika jase aa shudra jeva kalank ne samaj mathi dur karva

    prakash Chauhan Palanpur

    1. e j na samjAy evo ek prashn aapnA badhA mAthe saikAothi tingayi rahyo chhe... adrushya daityanA jevo eno vyAp chhe...

  8. આ ફોટોગ્રાફમાં જે મિત્ર છે તેમના ચહેરા પરની ગૂંચવણ અને તેમણે ધારણ કરેલું વિશેષણ એક એવા ઈતિહાસબોધને વ્યક્ત કરી જાય છે, જે ઈતિહાસબોધને નષ્ટ કરવાની પ્રવૃત્તિ, ન સમાજય એવા શોષણના આશયથી, સમાજ અને જ્ઞાનના બળુકા ક્ષેત્રો દ્વારા સદીઓથી ગતિમાન રહેતી આવી છે...
    - Farook Shah

  9. Whose mentality is very poor, full of pollution, looting society by commerce, believe in varnashram, discrimination, low and high castes system, inhuman behaviour are shudras and not this fellow who has put on T-shirt. This correct message should be made very clear to this fellow by the photographer and not the photographer but we all should organize a big programme to present this T-shirt to the cruel policeman who is a symbol of the present ruller...Harish Mangalam
