11 August, 2012



  1. Nitin Meshram12 August, 2012

    Thanks for sharing your blog. I feel, I truly associate with what you share, indeed I find myself in those pics. Thank you, once again.

    Sent from my iPad

  2. looks like an SOS, the faceless children waving for freedom from a dark hovel ! or it it a reformatory for the juvenile delinquents? or still further, a shelter house for the lost and missing and bonded beggars? where is the commission for child rights?

  3. Faceless hands and a barbed wire. It is a full story.

  4. Suman Shah15 August, 2012

    I would like to assume that they are happy enough, as the wave gesture suggests, but I am not sure of it. And that is the irony of fate !

  5. Bharat Trivedi15 August, 2012

    The iron wires suggest something else but nothing stands against a determined hand. Iron bars do not a prision make ....
