22 December, 2009

Nature Says Something To We The People Of The World (Three Pictures)

1. Now

2. Later

3. And At The Last, The Sun Will be Getting Useless When Fatal Dakness Begins


  1. what a lovely contrast of the lush green foliage and the raven in charcoal black !

    it gives dignity to the dispised and the message that 'black is beautiful' as can be any other hue if projected in right accompaniment.

    neerav patel

    dec 23, 2009

  2. Pravin Sheth, USA24 December, 2009

    ,Umeshbhai, Kash, we listen to the silent Nature thru these photos which tell us so much,without uttering a word spoken at Copenhagen!

  3. Moinuddin Maniar26 December, 2009

    Dear Umeshbhai,
    Thanks for two Picture (1) Gale Lataktu . . . .and (2) Nature say . . . . .
    You have a eyes of Arjun. Please keep it up your good working to open up eyes of sleeping politician alike.

  4. ત્રિભેટા જેવી ત્રણ તસવીરો. આપણે હવે વિચારવાનું છે કે આપણે કયો રસ્તો લેવો.

  5. We have talked a lot about '3 idiots' similarly u have given a very nice '3 pictures' and through it described the future..now its our turn to talk about these 3 steps ....very nice piture series
