23 November, 2010

Sorry Mr. Mahatma (Promo Of Documentary)

Dear Friend,
This is the promo of (1.37 mnts) my documentary ‘Sorry Mr. Mahatma’ on after 1 year of hooch tragedy (Laththakand) which got in Ahmedabad, July-2009. The subject of this documentary is what the situation of affected families is. (1 is title cover of Documentary & 2 is Promo of one)
Umesh (+919428039964)




  1. દારૂ એક દુષણ છે..બધાને ખબર છે. સરકાર તેનું કામ કરે છે કે નહીં તે તો ખબર નથી. પણ, હા આપણે માનવી તરીકે આપણી સુઝબુઝ ગુમાવી ચુક્યા છીએ. આપણ ગાંધીનાં ગુજરાતનાં હોવાનો ગર્વ કરીએ છીએ.પણ ગાંધીનાં વિચારોને ક્યાંરનાં દફન કરી ચુક્યા છીએ.
    મંદિર કે મૂર્તિ બનાવવા કરતાં લોકોનાં મનમાં ગાંધી વિચારો પ્રત્યે આસ્થા જગાવવી પડશે.

    દોસ્ત ઉમેશ, તું હંમેશા ખુબ સુંદર કામ કરે છે. આ વખતે તે સર્વોત્તમ કામ કર્યું છે. ખુબ ખુબ અભિનંદન અને શુભેચ્છા.
    દેવ મેવાડા.

  2. રોહિત બારોટ23 November, 2010

    પ્રિય ઉમેશભાઈ
    આ નાનકડી વિડીઓ ક્લીપ બદલ વિશષ આભાર. નાની ક્લીપનો સંદેશો બહુ મોટો છે. ને આ ક્ષેત્રમાં તમે આ દુષણથી પીડાતા લોકોને જે અવાજ આપ્યો છે તે બદલ તમને ખાસ અભિનંદન પાઠવું છું.

    રોહિત બારોટ બ્રિસ્ટલ યુકે

  3. Victor Macwan23 November, 2010

    Dear Umeshbhai,
    I appreciate your very good work. but..why People are drinking.? No politics or Govt. or Religion Tell or advice or order them to Drink.!! and also why the New Generation start to Drink on the same Way of their Elders or Fathers and Grand Fathers..?If they do not want to change their Life style and Live better..Even the God can not help them..if they do not want to Choose good Way of Life.. let them Drink Lattho and DIE...why should we worry..? This has not happened for the First time in History..!!...But it is a cycle continued by the POOR People especially..so please let them enjoy their Right of Freedom to drink and to DIE...Thanks.

  4. Umeshbhai,
    Good Documentary promo.
    Wishing u every success.
    Thanks and regards.

  5. Jugalkishore Vyas24 November, 2010

    તમારો નીર્ધાર એક પછી એક અસરકારક પ્રવૃત્તીઓ હાથ પર લેવડાવે છે.

    એક વાચક તરીકે આ બધાંમાં લગભગ કશું જ ન કરી શકવાનો અફસોસ અનુભવાય છે.

    આપને ધન્યવાદ.

  6. Devang Vibhakar, speakbindas24 November, 2010

    Once your documentary is done, do let me know, I shall publish it on SpeakBindas too.

    Watched the promo. You've done the work where it is needed.

  7. Umesh,

    Rajendra has lost his father-in-law last night. So I did not tell him about the dvd. I will talk to him once again next week. I hope by that time you will have finished sub-titling of the documentary. I will ask him to send the dvd to me and pay you the cost. I hope that will work. In the meantime, here is my address:

    Babu Suthar
    2224 Friendship st.
    Philadelphia PA 19149

  8. thought provoking promo, it display you maturity as Film Maker. Eager to watch it.

  9. good work sir....i like it...its very challenging to make a documentary on this kind of topic.......

  10. Rajesh B. Shah24 November, 2010

    Dear Umeshbhai,

    Thank you for sending the promo of Sorry Mr.Gandhi. Please let me know from where can I get the CD of your documentary and how much money I have to send.

  11. તમારું કામ ખુબ ચોકસાઈ પૂર્વકનું હોય છે એ ચોકસાઈ અહી પણ દેખાઈ આવે છે. ખુબ સુંદર

  12. sorry, mr. Umesh solanki

    suresh parmar

  13. Congratulation to BOTH of u
    UMESH SOLANKI and ASHISHSINGH CHAUHAN and also all persons who is part of this documentary, because nothing is possible & greater then UNITY.......

  14. Umesh Solanki11 December, 2010

    Dear Digrajsinh Gohil, I can't forget idea & support in research of Ashishsingh Chauhan (in initial stage of 'Sorry Mr. Mahatma') as well as others. And for your kind information, after discussion with Ashishsingh Chauhan on what kind of credits he wants, have given ones in 'Sorry Mr. Mahatma'.
    - Umesh Solanki

  15. Mulchand Rana11 December, 2010

    Dear Shri Umeshbhai,
    I watched the captioned documentary
    (35 mnts) with total concentration of heart and mind.
    It is mind boggling and heart throbing.
    Those tears documented by you can
    make a stonned hearted person also bursting in to tears.I
    have really wept on seeing the tragedies.
    What to talk of the plight od these
    misfurtune families? You have touched many issues such
    as their children's education, women being the worst sufferer
    of this calamity and the insensible Govt. Administation.
    Production of the Documentary is so
    superb exhibiting your skill and sensibility as well.I am
    personally delivering one at Gomtipur for being shown on
    local channel network.
    Congratulations Umeshbhai.
    You have done a wonderful job of
    awakening both the ends i.e. our people still to safeguard
    themselves against this evil and a message also to ruthless
    administration seeing your lot many proofs on disregard of
    humanity at the right point of time.
    Time, energy and resources you have
    put in are so enormous which I can imagine after seeing movie.
    Thank you Umeshbhai, I pray the God
    to bless you with many more ideas and work for our society.
    With deep pain in the heart for those
    poor families and also thinking of what could be done for them
    I remain,.

  16. Neerav Patel21 December, 2010

    dear umesh,

    thanks for giving me an opportunity to watch your film.

    and i found it worth watching.

    its beginning accompanied with the sad instrumental and symbolically meaningful visuals does excite the viewer to watch up to the finis. but somehow i found it ending abruptly.

    expecting more to come, a lot of congrats on your new endeavor in a new medium.

    with best wishes,


    neerav patel
