23 April, 2012

The Homeless Kitchen (3 Pictures & Text)



Place : Vadgaam, District : Banaskantha, State : Gujarat, India (Native-land : Rajasthan)
Name : Vadomiben Gadalia Lavaria - A Blacksmith
             Vadomiben is with her husband and two female children, both children have still not seen the school, and with the other family of her elder's brother husband who has two children (female & male), here is the same situation.
Work : blacksmithing - to make and repair things made of iron by her husband & her
Where? : every week, there are three villages in the surrounding area (150 to 350 Rs per day earning)
An excerpt from the order of The Supreme Court Of India (27.1.2010)On 20.01.2010, an assurance was given to this Court on behalf of the learned Additional Solicitor General that immediate steps would be taken to provide night shelters to the homeless people by the Government in coordination with all the agencies, including the Non-Government Organizations. He also assured that not only the existing facilities would be improved but additional facilities would be created such as blankets, water and mobile toilets.

27 March, 2012

The Sweat From The Sweet / પરસેવો ઓકતી શેરડી (14 Pictures & Text)

A labour works with 'Koyata' (sugarcane cutting tool)




With 'Koyata'








Location : From Vihaan To Bardoli, Gujarat
Community : Adivasi From Chalis gaanv (40 vilaages), Maharashtra
Day : Work start from early in the morning (5 am) with 'Koyata' (the sugarcane cutting tool)
without 'koyata' sugarcane farm labours are not able to work, the other thing is that the farm lord and local people call them 'koyata' instead of calling their names. In South Gujarat, 'Koyata' is a general identity of the sugarcane labours, it is like a caste, not rigid, but, don't forget that koyata is not a respected address here, it is very near to the abuse, can be said.
Work : To cut sugarcanes, to load it on bull-cart, to go to sugar factory with it (Minimum 5 km (mostly)), to keep in queue to sell sugarcanes, after waiting long time (sometime till 1 am) they (3 labours) to get 600 Rs / 3 tons sugarcanes (average; information given by a labour).
Thanks : Babubhai Vaghela, Laadbhai, Bhothabhai & Gujarat Khet Vikas Parishad

18 March, 2012

not-children (5 pictures)

1. Rajkot

2. Rajkot 

3. Halwad 

4. Maandavi 

5. Ahmedabad 

23 February, 2012

I Am The Bardoli, And I Have The Manual Scavengers ! (6 Pictures)

Place : Near The Bus Stop, Bardoli, Gujarat
Date : 15/2/2012, Time : 5 : 30 PM (around)

09 February, 2012

Manual Scavenging Says, 'I Am Living In The Gujarat' (4 Pictures & Text)


                                          Name : Mansukh Bhangi
                                         Work Place : Public Toilet, Adesar, Tehsil : Rapar, District : Kutch 
                                          Date : 7-2-12, Time : 11 am (around)
                                          Native Village Of Mansukh Bhangi : Baaspa (12 km away from Adesar)

07 February, 2012

Dear Childhood, What is your address? (2 Pictuers)

                                Name : Kajal (12 Years Old)
                                Work : Begging
                                Name : Kajal (2 Years Old)
                                Work : Support to Kajal
                                Responsible : We The People of The India
                                Community : Devipoojak (A Nomad Community)
                                Place : Dhandhooka Four Lanes
                                Their father is Chhakda Driver
                                Address : Near Railway Track, Dhandhooka

27 October, 2011

The Live Statues (1 Picture)

                                                                                                                            (The  picture is in low resolution)